1930s-1940s Pre War

1940s Mirrorette Glass Christmas Ornaments Lot, 3 USA Glass Screen Printed Mirror Ornaments


Vintage Heidt Wreath Christmas Ornament, USA American Bumpy Indent Glass Ornament, 1930s


Mercury Glass Beaded Garland Faceted Beads 8.5′ Japan Antique Glass Bead Tree Garland 1930s


1930s Heidt Extra Large Double Bumpy Floral Indent Glass Christmas Ornament USA


Vintage Corning Glass Christmas Ornament Airbrushed Two Color Pine Cone US of A Cap 1940s


Antique German Glass Angel Ornament, Standing Angel Figural Christmas Ornament, 1920s


1930s Antique German Small Red Coat Mica Santa Figural Glass Christmas Ornament


Vintage Pink Unsilvered Christmas Ornament Tinsel Inside Corning USA Glass Ornament


RARE Unsilvered Striped Christmas Ornament Multi Color Tinsel Inside Corning Glass 1940s


Vintage Unsilvered Christmas Ornament Tinsel Inside Blue Corning Striped Glass Ornament


Prewar Corning Large Glass Bell Ornament US of A Glass Christmas Ornament 1940s


Antique German Figural Glass Christmas Ornament Flesh Face Santa Holding Tree 1930s


Antique German Glass Outdent Ornament Double Sided Hiking Rabbit Ornament 1930s


1930s Japan Santa Christmas Ornament, Pre 1946 Vintage Figural Glass Ornament


Antique German Glass Ornament Large 5″ Jester Circus Clown with Half Moon Christmas Ornament 1940s


1940s Vintage Bottle Brush Tree Mercury Glass Ornaments, 4″ Japan Christmas Tree Putz Display


Antique Glass Christmas Garland with Bells Japan Mercury Glass Beaded Tree Garland 1930s


1930s Figural Glass Tree Unsilvered Red Glass Ornament German Pine Tree Christmas Ornament


Antique German Glass Christmas Ornament Flesh Face Santa with Drum Doll Toys 1940s


Vintage Heim Glass Christmas Ornament Large Prewar Ornament US of A Cap

Very rare vintage German free blown christmas ornament black cat on a cottage rooftop with mica decoration, amazing condition, 1940s

RARE Vintage German Double Free Blown Figural Glass Ornament Cat on a House


1930s German Wood Toys Lot of 34 in Net Bag Christmas Ornament, Vintage Wood Animals Putz


Great gifts for the collector!


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